Stormy Ideas

When it calms down

Kaori Mitsui
2 min readJul 14, 2024
Photo by Elesban Landero Berriozábal on Unsplash

Today I was unsure if I would want to edit one of my old drafts or write a new one.

Should I have both done?

The old draft was pretty old. I put it aside about two years ago. I wondered if I wanted to submit it to a publication or not. Oh, well, I’ll decide when it is ready.

And about a new piece, I thought about writing a flash fiction. It was because I had been reading and listening to those fun and interesting (meaning a bit of an emotional jet coaster or with an unexpected ending) pieces amazingly written with exactly 100 words.

Oh, and I found their AI-generated images beautiful and adorable.

Those got me thinking about writing one. I may randomly choose one to three words to write a story. Perhaps a few hundred-word long story, I guess.

Now that having written out what has been going through my mind this morning, they seem doable, and I feel pleasant to tackle them.

When I watched things like a movie today, my mind became full of ideas as if it started brainstorming:

It is almost like I am writing something down even though I am not physically doing so.



Kaori Mitsui

Writing, Humor, Food, Health, Learning, Tech (3D, AI), Fiction Stories, My Experience, and etc. Top writer in Ideas once✨ ☕️